Rev. Corky is the Assistant Pastor of Christ Church, Vienna where he supports Small Group ministry, Pastoral Care, and various outreaches and events.
Corky and his wife Georgie have resided in Vienna since 1992. Before that they lived in Vienna, Austria and Munich, Germany for 12 years, working with Campus Crusade for Christ to help persecuted believers in Romania and Eastern bloc countries. For 24 years, Corky served with Christian Embassy and The Navigators in Washington, DC, ministering to government leaders at the Pentagon, in the Executive Branch, and on Capitol Hill.
Corky holds a Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Counseling from Grace Seminary and a Bachelor of Arts in Ornamental Horitculture from Virginia Tech. He enjoys gardening, listening to books, biking on the W&OD trail, and watching Netflix with his wife.
(Pictured on left: Corky visits with a friend and Five Talents church partner in Burundi)