Our Impact

Partnering with local churches, Five Talents trains women and men  to read and write, form community savings groups, take out loans, and develop small businesses.
Total Individuals Supported
Businesses Developed
Community Savings Groups Formed
Did you know?

Five Talents partners with diverse communities. The average participant:

Dollar sign icon
Has 5 dependents
Is unemployed or a subsistence level farmer
Develops a business with an initial loan of $30-$50
Has an average savings equivalent to $38 USD
74% Women
Visual graph showing 80% women and 20% men
Lives in rural, underserved communities

Meet Rebecca

Rebecca and her neighbors lost everything when their village was raided. As her community began to rebuild, Rebecca joined a Savings Group that offered not only business and literacy training, but also workshops in trauma healing and peacebuilding. Her Group led their community in making a courageous choice for peace.

Read Rebecca's Story
A Proven Model

The Power of Community Savings

Savings groups formed of neighbors and friends provide access to financial services and tools which are otherwise  unavailable in many  communities. These tools enable entrepreneurs to grow their businesses and plan for a brighter future for their families.

Five Talents enables communities to break the cycle of poverty

Our Community Savings Groups

  • Have 15-25 members 
  • Meet regularly
  • Develop their own constitution
  • Achieve 90%+ loan repayment
  • Appoint their own leadership
  • Establish funds to help each other in emergencies
  • Graduate within 3 years
  • Interest rates set by each self-governing group
A Proven Model

Rigorous Monitoring and Evaluation

Five Talents is committed to wise stewardship of its funding to fight poverty and transform lives. Our programs operate with efficiency, transparency, and the highest standards of accountability.

Our independently audited accounts and external accreditations help to assure our donors and other constituents that the way we use funds is honorable both to God and others (2 Cor. 8:21).

Five Talents monitors its programs through financial reports, narrative reports, ongoing contact with program leaders, and regular visits.

Annual Reports

Audited Financials

IRS 990

Longitudinal Study

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Your Guide to the Parable of the Talents

Over the years, we’ve discovered a wealth of treasure in the Parable of the Talents. That’s why we’ve prepared this free guide to Matthew 25, featuring reflections from pastors and Christian leaders.

Free Download