Transforming Lives: A Mission Worth Smiling About

Five Talents USA staff gathering during Covid19

I took this masked photo a few days ago at our socially-distanced Five Talents staff picnic. Even from several feet away, we were all so happy to sit together for the first time in months. Later, I looked at the picture again and found myself overwhelmed with gratitude to not only work with this team, but to also be a part of this important mission - a mission YOU are making possible.

I wanted to share a short but sweet message from our Program Director in Bolivia. Her name is Sarah Mamani and I had the joy of meeting her last summer when she came to visit the states. Sarah shares how she is seeing God work in her community and what gets her excited every day.

I pray this encourages you and makes you smile knowing your prayers and support are having such a deep impact in communities around the world.

With joy,

Sarah Herndon,
Church Engagement