A Christmas Story from Five Talents

A Christmas Story with Lucy Chaves

Dear friends,

The Christmas season is such a wonderful time of year, with so much to celebrate. We enjoy the food, the lights, and the company of loved ones as we reflect on God's gift.

We know, of course, that Christmas can be a very sad time for many. And for those living in poverty, even the simplest things can make life difficult. Following is the story of one of our Five Talents employees who grew up experiencing poverty in Kenya.

As a child, my prayer at Christmas was always for a good meal with my family. Some years there was very little to eat, and so we prayed and fed off the scents of our neighbors' cooking. When my mom joined a savings group things changed. We knew that at Christmas we would always have the gift of food to share.”

Please join us in supporting the ministry of Five Talents during this Christmas season.

May God bless you,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle,
Executive Director