Across the Finish Line


Have you ever thought about what it takes to finish strong and cross the finish line first?

At Five Talents our programs have matured and blossomed over the past twenty years. As we’ve run, we’ve gotten stronger and stronger.

Empowering Success

So today, hundreds of thousands of families in the world’s most vulnerable areas have access to savings, loans, and the opportunity to develop their own small businesses.

Our most recent fiscal year just ended - and we’ve closed on a very strong note. Because of the prayers and generous support of friends like you, Five Talents is expanding its programs in Bolivia, Burundi and South Sudan as well as starting a new program in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The year ahead is full of promise. Please join us in celebrating,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle
Executive Director

Image Credit: Agência Brasil Fotografias CC 2.0

P.S. If you like to run, check out the Five Talents Impact Marathon. Whether you are a casual jogger or a seasoned runner, take part in the adventure of a lifetime: Walk or run through gorgeous tea fields in the hill country of Kericho, Kenya.