The Latest News from Five Talents


A week ago my wife, Lynn, and I had the pleasure to meet with two congregations in Western Pennsylvania. Just north of Pittsburgh we worshipped with the New Wilmington Presbyterian Church. Then in the afternoon we worshipped with the Anglican Church of the Incarnation, a ministry in downtown Pittsburgh associated with the Trinity School for Ministry.

What a blessing. We were introduced to motivated, dedicated, long-time supporters of international mission. We met missionaries, retired missionaries, children of missionaries, and modern-day followers of Jesus who do not shy away from the challenges of the poor.

We were happy to have the chance to share with them the latest news from Five Talents, as well as to explore the underpinnings of our work: that the Parable of the Talents teaches us how God has given everyone of us around the world the talents we need. And through the training and mentoring of these Five Talents programs, the cycles of dependency can be broken.

Thank you for being a friend of Five Talents. Your partnership is making a difference around the world.

Until next Monday morning,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle,
Executive Director