The Power of Friendship: An Inspiring Story

Camaraderie and Community Savings

Who are your best friends?

One of the most salient features of Five Talents savings groups, is the camaraderie that develops among members.

When two teenage orphans in Burundi were invited to join a savings group in their village, they didn’t know what to expect. As the youngest members in their group, the girls had never been involved in a Christian community before.

The Power of Friends in Community Savings Groups. Empowering Young Women in Burundi.

A Testimony of Transformation

“The group gave us time to discuss our challenges, and we learned to work together with other young and older women to develop our lives.”

By praying together and by learning how to identify and use their talents, these girls have found a community of support and a foundation to rebuild their lives.

“Today we are best friends with other members of our group and we build peace and security together.”

Thank you for partnering with Five Talents to help vulnerable women like these discover hope and a future. Want to learn more about how savings groups work? Click here.

Until next Monday morning,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle,
Executive Director

P.S. Most members of Five Talents savings groups are women. Some are in their teens or early twenties like the friends pictured above.