An Unexpected Gift

An unexpected gift can be a blessing.

Dear friends,

Last week Sue Johns, my colleague from Five Talents in England, and I really enjoyed meeting with some of you in churches in Washington, Oregon, and California.

A Surprise Encounter

One evening we enjoyed worship and a wonderful dinner afterwards. During the service and in the line to get our food, I noticed a gentleman who looked (from his clothes and hair) like he had seen some tough times. I found myself wondering where he might spend the night that day.

When I sat to eat I joined him at his table, and he had many good questions about Five Talents and the people we serve. When I finished eating, I started to rise to go talk with others as well. But before I stood up I asked him if he had any other questions. He pulled out three crumpled bills from his pocket and placed them in my hand. He said someone there had given the money to him, and he didn't know why. But all he wanted to know was if I could promise him that his money would go to support the work we do.

So, I assured him that his wonderful, generous gift would, indeed, go to help the desperately poor who are re-building their lives. I can only hope and pray that this special man's life is also blessed in the same way that he blessed others.

Until next Monday,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle,
Executive Director