Join Us in Really Addresssing Trauma

Empowering business development in South Sudan

In South Sudan there has been conflict for over 40 years, and it has been called the world’s most fragile country. Millions of people have been dislocated, and most, if not all, citizens have been traumatized by the wars.

Ministry in the Diocese of Renk, South Sudan

Finally, peace seems to have come to South Sudan since November last year. And we are grateful to be working with AFRECS (American Friends of the Episcopal Church in the Sudans) and with Bishop Joseph to start a new program in his diocese, Renk.

But this will be more than a savings program that equips women and men with reading, basic math, and business skills, along with knowledge to start new businesses. The program in Renk will also provide an opportunity to work with trained staff on trauma healing.

We have just started fundraising for this important work, but we can’t wait until we are completely funded. The need is too great right now. We are sending trainers from Renk to trauma healing classes in Rwanda. Soon they will return to Renk, help form new savings groups, and train local leaders in trauma healing.

Your Opportunity to Bring Healing and Hope to South Sudan

You can help us meet this current need. Your support brings healing and hope to the people of South Sudan. Please donate today.

Dale Stanton-Hoyle,
Executive Director