We can experience joy, for this is also an Easter time.

Even during difficult “Corona times,” especially during THIS difficult time, we can experience joy, for this is also an Easter time.

Imagine how much despair the early followers of Jesus felt right after he died. I can only imagine it must have felt a bit like it feels now for so many around the world who have lost loved ones to the Corona virus.

But fortunately death is not the end of our stories. New life can spring from our experiences of despair.

As is often the case, our international partners give me reason for hope. In this brief video we see how people in Aru, a small town in the northeast corner of DR Congo, still live with hope. Even though DR Congo has very poor medical care, and even though the government has restricted travel and any large gatherings, their area is so far removed from any large populations that they are able to carry on with most of their savings groups. So far. And they are hoping that the virus that has affected so many of us will not reach their “corner of the world.” Listen to their message of hope. The voice you will hear is our program leader, Irene, living in Aru.

Please also pray for our partners around the world. And finally, please let us know if there is anything you want us to pray for you.

Until next Monday morning,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle,
Executive Director