Feeling Trapped? . . .Discover Hope

Dear Friends,

Have you ever been stuck in a difficult situation and wondered how things could ever turn around?

Feeling trapped looking for hope

The Ground of Our Hope

The good news is that there is no circumstance too hard for God.

Mandi knows what it's like to feel trapped. With minimal education she was looked down upon by others in her village. Her small business selling avocados didn’t seem to work, her three kids were always hungry, and she was at loggerheads with the man she was living with. “My life was very bad”, she says.

When Mandi was invited to join a Five Talents group, she learned not just how to improve her business, but also how to rebuild her relationships.


Empowering entrepreneurs and families for a brighter future

Through other members of her group, Mandi learned that despite all she was going through, God really loved her. Mandi’s faith grew and her partner’s did too. They decided to commit their relationship and family life to God and were married in the local church.

"Now we make decisions together and my husband considers my ideas. We pray together and God strengthens us.”

Today, Mandi and her husband have seen a big change in their family. The kids are well fed, and they’ve used loans from their group to buy land, pigs, and set up a new shop.

“I am very happy that I am a woman who can contribute. Today my husband and I do business together. We work together in our little shop.”

This week may God also meet you in your difficult circumstances and give you hope.

Until next Monday morning,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle,
Executive Director

Five Talents partners with churches around the world to help women and men
start and grow their own businesses.
Click here to learn more.