January 18, 2021"/>

An Orchard Blossoms in Uganda: January 18, 2021

"For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver." – Martin Luther King, Jr.


Dear friend,

Good Monday morning.

Entrepreneur in Uganda

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had amazing insights into issues of his day that are still so relevant today, and even applicable on the other side of the world in Uganda.

A Ugandan Entrepreneur

Hannah lives in Uganda’s Karamoja region. She is the mother of seven beautiful children. Hannah wanted to provide more for her family, so she planted an orchard. Outside her home she grows mango, guava, and avocado trees.

When Hannah showed Five Talents staff the fruit from her trees, she beamed with pride. Her dedication to making a success of her business was clear. She also started growing vegetables to supplement her profits.

The Power of Savings Groups

Hannah saves money in her Savings Group and is planning to buy more land so she can begin cultivating more crops. She also aspires to take a larger loan so she can build a fence to prevent animals from eating the crops.

Being in a savings group makes running the orchard easier for Hannah, and she received literacy and business training that support her as she continues to grow her business.

Last week national elections were held across Uganda. Please join us in praying for families like Hannah’s and for peace, justice, and the ongoing electoral process in Uganda.

Until next Monday morning,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle,
Executive Director