March 22, 2021"/>

Business as Blessing: March 22, 2021

Dear friend,

Staff here at Five Talents had an important and productive meeting this week with our friends at the Chalmers Center. For almost 20 years, Five Talents has been contextualizing to local culture and translating Chalmers curriculum to help with our training around the world. We’ve learned a lot from them.

During a recent Five Talents workshop in South Sudan.

During a recent Five Talents workshop in South Sudan.

Transformational Business Skills

The Chalmers curriculum draws on important parables and other lessons from the Bible to teach new entrepreneurs how to develop effective businesses that do more than just make money. For example, various lessons talk about how honesty in a business will lead to trust, which will lead to a business that will prosper and last. Similarly, other lessons teach how a business can be a blessing to the entire community.

Equally important, the groups we work with are often pre-literate and have strong traditions of oral learning. So, the curriculum we use from several sources includes lots of participative learning principles. It’s fun and exciting to watch participants act out the things they are learning in skits and other exercises. This helps reinforce what’s in the curriculum and helps participants incorporate the lessons into the things they will do for years to come.

Until next Monday morning,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle,
Executive Director

P.S. for the next few weeks every gift to Five Talents is matched - up to $50,000.