Start Your Week with An Inspiring Story

Meet Ndayikeza from Burundi

Empowering entrepreneurs one family at a time.

Discover the difference business skills training makes for moms in poverty.

“Before joining this program, I was a poor farmer with a little piece of unproductive land. I couldn’t cover my family’s needs. My child was always sent away from school because [we didn’t have enough money], and sometimes she had to sleep with an empty stomach because of lack of food. In addition, my husband and children were subject to gossip because they were always wearing the same clothes."

In Her Own Words

"Before the training, I was doing my activities in a random way without any plan of how they will be successful. The training helped me to plan for my business and carry out an analysis of the profitability."

Today Ndayikeza runs her own clothing business and says: "From my business, I can feed my family, and I've built my self-confidence."

Ndayikeza is an example to other women in her community. She looks forward to continuing to grow her business, and her husband is proud of her success.

Thank you for sharing hope and opportunity with women like Ndayikeza.

Until next Monday morning,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle,
Executive Director