Saving for Ice Cream. . .And Other Lessons in Economic Development

Micro-savings, Ice Cream, and Economic Development


I have an oddly vivid memory from my second grade Sunday school class, which had its own little offering basket. I remember my parents giving me a few quarters for this very reason. And yet, when it was my turn to give, I kept those coins. I don’t remember exactly but I can only assume my intent for these quarters started with ‘ice cream’ and ended with ‘truck’.

Micro-Savings can make a Mega Difference

Trivial as it may be, this memory is a reminder of the fact that in the countries Five Talents serves, a little goes a long way. The men and women in our savings groups find ways to save even the smallest bit each week. But these groups are about so much more than neighbors learning how to save money. A deeper goal is, like Jesus teaches in the Parable of the Five Talents, using their gifts and resources to better the lives of their neighbors.

In this week’s 75-second video, we are heading to our program in Burundi. Listen as a local priest shares with his congregation about the impact savings groups are having not only on the members themselves but also on the church and the community:

I would love your feedback on how you are using these clips. Please let me know. And finally, how can we be praying for you and your church?

With joy,

Sarah Herndon,
Church Engagement
Five Talents USA

Click here to Email Sarah