The Start of Something New - Monday Morning Reflections


After the rush of getting kids to school, making breakfast, showering, etc., I hope you get the chance to sit for a few minutes with a good cup of coffee or tea and think about the week ahead. What is important in our lives? What are the gifts we have been given in this time we have to accomplish important things? How will we use this week ahead, this wonderful gift?

As the new Executive Director of Five Talents (after three weeks, still very much transition from the wonderful leadership of our chairman, Jim Oakes), I am pledging to try to share with you every Monday morning some thoughts for the week. We'll sprinkle in some news from our program partners around the world. We'll update you on what we are doing to grow our ability to help the poor start new businesses, transforming their families from dependence to dignity.

I've been doing work with energy systems around the world for a long time, and I'm excited to be part of Five Talents. I have a lot to learn, but I can already tell that the Five Talents' program model and its staff are excellent. If you would like to learn a bit more about my background, please click here.

Final thought for today: many of you have known our board member, Hooks Johnston, who died two weeks ago. Hooks was a powerful leader who gave of himself in many ways. And he loved our Five Talents partners. He showed so much joy in his smile when he travelled to meet them. And he championed how the Five Talents model feeds both body and soul. I hope you will join us in furthering the work Hooks did by supporting the Hooks Johnston Memorial Fund. 

Until next Monday morning, blessings,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle
Executive Director, Five Talents USA
Cel 703-472-7679