Love, Lessons, and Legacy

What Are You Building for Your Family?

This weekend I attended the memorial service celebrating the life of my father who just died at 87. He was an ordained minister and a university president, but above all he was my dad. I’m grateful for his love, lessons, and the strong legacy he’s left behind.

My father’s faithfulness continues to inspire me.

At Five Talents, I hear stories every week of fathers and mothers: the incredible work they do and the sacrifices they make to build a brighter future for their children.

Empowering families in Myanmar through microenterprise development.
Michael’s house pictured here is 90% complete.

Michael’s house pictured here is 90% complete.

A Father’s Testimony from Myanmar

Michael’s testimony from Myanmar is just one example. As a father of two and a farmer, he is proud to be part of a Five Talents savings group through his local church:

“Before joining the program, I struggled with business. Now I’m stronger spiritually and self-confident. The accounting training is helping my family manage finances in a proper way. Through saving, we are building a new house and I bought two tractors to support effective farming. Now I do not need to find funding from other sources. This change is better for me. Thank you for giving me knowledge and training. [In the future] I hope to buy a rice mill for our village.”

Thank you for helping families to build a brighter future.

May God bless you,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle,
Executive Director