Business, Faith, and Character


In business as in life it can be easy to lie or cheat in order to get ahead or make a profit. This pressure is especially strong for the world’s most poor – a little extra income can make the difference between life and death for their children.

Rose and her husband have three kids. They’ve experienced deep poverty, hunger, and shame. But Rose’s faith shapes the kind of woman she is and guides her family’s approach to business.

What Integrity Means for Micro-Entrepreneurs of Faith

“My business reflects my faith because as a Christian I know that lying and stealing are sins. I do my business in honesty without seeking a bad gain. People choose to do business with me because I am honest, transparent and have a good character. My business is different from others”, she says.

Rose and her husband serve their community by supplying essential foodstuffs like beans, rice, and other grains. They view their business as a form of ministry:

“Since I joined the program I am always happy because I believe in God that He is our provider of all that we need in our family. We feed, clothe, and pay school fees for our children. I have seen the provision of God in that ministry because I had started with a small capital, but now I have a big capital.”

Thank you for supporting entrepreneurs like Rose and her family. May God bless you,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle,
Executive Director