An Invitation to Prayer

Prayer forms an important part of Five Talents ministry around the world. For families living in extreme poverty, there are constant pressures and threats to survival. Many of the members of our savings groups have been, or still are, displaced from their homes, often after being victims of terrible violence.

During times like these, prayer matters. Most savings groups open and close their meetings with prayer. Praying together reminds us that we are not alone. We are part of something bigger than ourselves, and there is hope.

At Five Talents, we invite your prayers. Please contribute to this vital ministry through your prayers. Click here to download our seasonal prayer guide.

Until next Monday, blessings be with you,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle,
Executive Director

Five Talents Launches New Program in DR Congo


I am excited to announce the start of a new program in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Many of you know I lived in DRC for almost five years, so I am particularly grateful to get back to this amazingly complex country with roughly 80 million people.

The announcement comes after years of groundwork (and meetings two weeks ago, photo on the left) and involves a partnership with World Concern and the Diocese of Aru of the Anglican Church of Congo.

The Diocese of Aru is located at the northeast corner of DR Congo and covers an area the size of Georgia, with 35 parishes, 56 primary schools and eight health centers.  While the region is economically poor, it has enormous potential to thrive. Most of the population engages in subsistence farming and small animal husbandry.

In partnering with the Diocese of Aru, Five Talents continues its mission to go where others don’t and to serve some of the world’s most marginalized communities. In Aru, Five Talents aims to help local communities identify, develop, and multiply their own local resources while creating new businesses. In addition to literacy and business skills training, facilitators will share a curriculum for gender-based violence and trauma counseling. We hope to reach 60 communities throughout the region.

Learn more about DR Congo and how you can get involved.

Until next Monday, blessings be with you,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle,
Executive Director

Relationships or Transactions? And Last Chance for March Match

Dear friends,

I hope you had a wonderful Easter.

What’s more important to you, relationships or transactions?

Around the world, most banking and business organizations focus on transactions. In the microfinance world, that means issuing loans and processing payments.

At Five Talents, we believe that God has called us to take a different approach by focusing on relationships.

What do I mean by that? Well, watch this short video to learn more:

Dale Stanton-Hoyle
Executive Director

P.S. Today is the last day to take advantage of our March Match. Click here to donate now.

Let the Games Begin: March Matchness is Back!

Good Monday morning,

March MATCHness is here! That’s right, Five Talents is challenging you to bring your A game in generosity.

A group of generous Five Talents donors will MATCH every dollar donated to Five Talents throughout the month of March.

As you give to Five Talents, vote for your favorite benefit of Five Talents Programs. These benefits include: Self-Respect and Dignity, Improved Nutrition, Secure Housing, Strengthened Families, Vibrant Local Churches, Accessible Healthcare, Healtheir Communities, School Fees for Kids, Adult Literacy, Agricultural Development, Empowered Women, Leadership Development, Trained Entrepreneurs, Sustainable Businesses, Ongoing Fellowship, and Experiencing God's Love. Learn more in our March Matchness bracket.

Thank you for your partnership in ministry. Together we make a world of difference,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle,
Executive Director